Hi Evan, thanks for pointing that language out. I'll change it to make it much less specific. Any kind of terror event is aperiodic and unpredictable. Even an average frequency estimate would depend on so many factors that are hard to predict.
We actually do have restrictions on what we teach, particularly in engineering classes, across all the disciplines. We don't always like to think about them, but they exist, as norms, policies, and laws. It's just good sense that we don't have too many kids engineering with the particularly powerful and potentially destructive technologies. Our choices there, including our choice to turn away from these technologies over the last forty years, are part of the way societal ethics and immunity works to protect us, in a statistical sense, in my opinion. I like to think of how much unlearning we've all done, voluntarily, of nuclear weapons engineering details over the last forty years. Jobs and training in that industry have become much more constrained.
That's the main point I'm trying to make, that delay of things that may eventually exist is often a positive and powerful moral choice. Sorry you're not persuaded.